
According to the Mexican Customs Law, who is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data and information provided, the determination of t...

According to the Mexican Customs Law, who is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data and information provided, the determination of the customs regime of the goods, their correct tariff classification, and the exact determination of the commercial identification number?

a) The importers and exporters.
b) The customs agents and customs agencies.
c) The owners and entrepreneurs of public transportation means.
d) The holders and possessors of temporarily imported goods by foreign residents.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Ley Aduanera: Disposiciones Generales
203 pág.

Comércio Exterior Universidad Politécnica De TulancingoUniversidad Politécnica De Tulancingo


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De acordo com a Lei Aduaneira Mexicana, a responsabilidade pela veracidade e precisão dos dados e informações fornecidos, pela determinação do regime aduaneiro das mercadorias, sua correta classificação tarifária e a exata determinação do número de identificação comercial é: a) Os importadores e exportadores.



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