
Considering the area of Public Administration and Strategic Planning, which of the following is NOT a typical subject of analysis in the evaluation...

Considering the area of Public Administration and Strategic Planning, which of the following is NOT a typical subject of analysis in the evaluation of public policies?
a) The effectiveness of the policy and its impacts.
b) The efficiency of the policy and its results.
c) The relevance of the policy and its objectives.
d) The relationship between what was planned and what was accomplished.
e) The functioning of a public policy and the strategies used to achieve results.

a) The effectiveness of the policy and its impacts.
b) The efficiency of the policy and its results.
c) The relevance of the policy and its objectives.
d) The relationship between what was planned and what was accomplished.
e) The functioning of a public policy and the strategies used to achieve results.

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simulado - Adm Geral
91 pág.

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A alternativa que NÃO é um tema típico de análise na avaliação de políticas públicas é a alternativa c) A relevância da política e seus objetivos.



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