
Identify, in the alternatives below, the factors involved in the aging process: I. The elderly between 75 and 80 years old present some bodily mod...

Identify, in the alternatives below, the factors involved in the aging process:

I. The elderly between 75 and 80 years old present some bodily modifications such as: their ligaments and joints stiffen, their bones become fragile, and their respiratory capacity decreases.
II. The elderly maintain both sexual interest or desire and sexual activity, although with less intensity and frequency.
III. The internal disposition to capture and retain knowledge is fundamental in the case of the elderly who retain the ability to learn. Many lose this ability because they close themselves off to reality and new experiences that can be frustrating.
IV. The elderly have high self-esteem because they value their life experience and rarely, in conversations with other elderly people, comment on physical problems.
a. I, II, III, and IV are correct.
b. III and IV are correct.
c. I and II are correct.
d. II, III, and IV are correct.
e. I, II, and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Ciclo Vital
6 pág.

História do Pensamento Filosófico Teste questionário Unidade 2 Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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A alternativa correta é a letra c) I e II estão corretas.


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