
Classify the following statements as true (V) or false (F) regarding reward systems: ( ) Being invited to a dinner at the leader's house. ( ) Being...

Classify the following statements as true (V) or false (F) regarding reward systems: ( ) Being invited to a dinner at the leader's house. ( ) Being enrolled in a job classification and salary system, to earn a possible promotion. ( ) Receiving your salary. ( ) Being effusively praised in front of other coworkers by the leader. Choose an option:

The correct classification is: V, V, F, V.
There are many motivational theories, developed by different authors, with different academic backgrounds. Some are based on behavioral psychology and claim that individuals function thanks to stimuli, which can positively or negatively encourage behavior. This group of theories (which are based on behavioral psychology and have the mentioned traits) argues that leaders should positively stimulate their team to motivate them. Which group of theories are we talking about?
The correct answer is: Reinforcement theories.
a. F, F, V, V.
b. V, V, V, V.
c. V, V, F, V.
d. F, F, V, F.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Exercícios de Fixação - Tema 11_ Revisão da tentativa
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The correct classification is: V, V, F, V. Estamos falando das teorias de reforço. Essas teorias afirmam que os indivíduos são motivados por estímulos, que podem ser positivos ou negativos, e que os líderes devem estimular positivamente suas equipes para motivá-las.



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