
Identify the correct statement about the sequence of events in the play Linceu de Teodectes. a. The play covers the events from the accusation of ...

Identify the correct statement about the sequence of events in the play Linceu de Teodectes.

a. The play covers the events from the accusation of murder to the end.
b. The play covers the events from the kidnapping of a child to the end.
c. The play covers the events from the recognition of the brother to the end.
a. The play covers the events from the accusation of murder to the end.
b. The play covers the events from the kidnapping of a child to the end.
c. The play covers the events from the recognition of the brother to the end.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Aristóteles - Poetica (Gulbenkian) (semana 5)
124 pág.

Letras Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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A alternativa correta é a letra A: "A peça abrange os eventos desde a acusação de assassinato até o final."



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