
How do you say the time in English? a) First say the number that refers to the hour and then say the number that refers to the minute. b) First sa...

How do you say the time in English?

a) First say the number that refers to the hour and then say the number that refers to the minute.
b) First say the number that refers to the minute and then say the number that refers to the hour.
c) Say only the number that refers to the hour.
d) Say only the number that refers to the minute.

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17 pág.

Inglês Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) First say the number that refers to the hour and then say the number that refers to the minute. Em inglês, por exemplo, para dizer que são 3:45, você diria "It's three forty-five".



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