
According to the COSCIP/PE, what are the requirements for the installation of lightning rods, hydrants and hoses, emergency lighting, fire detectio...

According to the COSCIP/PE, what are the requirements for the installation of lightning rods, hydrants and hoses, emergency lighting, fire detection and alarm, and fire brigade in buildings?
a) Lightning rods are required for buildings with a roof area greater than 1,500 m². Hydrants and hoses are required for buildings with a height of up to 14 m, up to 4 floors, and up to 750 m² of built area or total occupied area. Emergency lighting is required for buildings with a capacity of over 100 people or a built area greater than 1,500 m². Fire detection and alarm are required for buildings classified in Art. 7 of COSCIP/PE. Fire brigade is required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division.
b) Lightning rods are required for buildings with a height greater than 20 m or a roof area greater than 1,500 m². Hydrants and hoses are required for buildings classified in Art. 7 of COSCIP/PE. Emergency lighting is required for buildings with a capacity of over 100 people or a built area greater than 1,500 m². Fire detection and alarm are required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division. Fire brigade is required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division.
c) Lightning rods are required for buildings with a height greater than 20 m or a roof area greater than 1,500 m². Hydrants and hoses are required for buildings with a height greater than 14 m, up to 4 floors, and up to 750 m² of built area or total occupied area. Emergency lighting is required for buildings with a capacity of over 100 people or a built area greater than 1,500 m². Fire detection and alarm are required for buildings classified in Art. 7 of COSCIP/PE. Fire brigade is required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division.

a) Lightning rods are required for buildings with a roof area greater than 1,500 m². Hydrants and hoses are required for buildings with a height of up to 14 m, up to 4 floors, and up to 750 m² of built area or total occupied area. Emergency lighting is required for buildings with a capacity of over 100 people or a built area greater than 1,500 m². Fire detection and alarm are required for buildings classified in Art. 7 of COSCIP/PE. Fire brigade is required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division.
b) Lightning rods are required for buildings with a height greater than 20 m or a roof area greater than 1,500 m². Hydrants and hoses are required for buildings classified in Art. 7 of COSCIP/PE. Emergency lighting is required for buildings with a capacity of over 100 people or a built area greater than 1,500 m². Fire detection and alarm are required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division. Fire brigade is required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division.
c) Lightning rods are required for buildings with a height greater than 20 m or a roof area greater than 1,500 m². Hydrants and hoses are required for buildings with a height greater than 14 m, up to 4 floors, and up to 750 m² of built area or total occupied area. Emergency lighting is required for buildings with a capacity of over 100 people or a built area greater than 1,500 m². Fire detection and alarm are required for buildings classified in Art. 7 of COSCIP/PE. Fire brigade is required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division.

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Prevenção de Incêndios Faculdade Maurício de Nassau de RecifeFaculdade Maurício de Nassau de Recife


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A alternativa correta é a letra c) Lightning rods are required for buildings with a height greater than 20 m or a roof area greater than 1,500 m². Hydrants and hoses are required for buildings with a height greater than 14 m, up to 4 floors, and up to 750 m² of built area or total occupied area. Emergency lighting is required for buildings with a capacity of over 100 people or a built area greater than 1,500 m². Fire detection and alarm are required for buildings classified in Art. 7 of COSCIP/PE. Fire brigade is required for buildings with a fixed population, risk level, and occupation group/division.


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