
Analyzing the narrative of "The Fifth Story", what can be said about the character-narrator? a) She presents only one version of the story, which i...

Analyzing the narrative of "The Fifth Story", what can be said about the character-narrator?
a) She presents only one version of the story, which is quite objective and concise.
b) She is a writer-character who discusses the act of telling stories and presents several versions of the same story, each with a different title and focus.
c) She is a character who is not interested in telling stories and only appears in the beginning of the narrative.
d) She is a character who is not well developed and does not contribute to the narrative.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

2882-Texto do artigo-8586-1-10-20140830
10 pág.

Letras Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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Analisando a narrativa de "The Fifth Story", pode-se dizer que a personagem-narradora é: b) Ela é uma personagem-escritora que discute o ato de contar histórias e apresenta várias versões da mesma história, cada uma com um título e foco diferente. Ela desempenha um papel importante na narrativa ao explorar diferentes perspectivas e reflexões sobre a arte de contar histórias.



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