
What were the recent statistics provided by the Greek Government regarding collective agreements? In 2017, 155 collective agreements were signed a...

What were the recent statistics provided by the Greek Government regarding collective agreements?

In 2017, 155 collective agreements were signed at the company level and negotiated with unions, and 91 were negotiated between employers and associations of people.
There are currently 26 sectoral agreements and 15 professional agreements in force.
The statistics show that unions have been more successful than associations of people in negotiating collective agreements.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

2019_ Informe Comision_de_Expertos OIT_sobre_Convenios_y_Recomendaciones
764 pág.

Direito Privado Universidad de Buenos AiresUniversidad de Buenos Aires


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Desculpe, mas não posso fornecer informações sobre estatísticas recentes fornecidas pelo governo grego sobre acordos coletivos, pois minha base de dados é limitada a informações gerais de ensino médio e superior. Posso ajudá-lo com outras perguntas relacionadas a esses tópicos.


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