
Identify the type of legal action proposed in the text and its main objective. Type of legal action Main objective a. Divorce action with a reques...

Identify the type of legal action proposed in the text and its main objective.
Type of legal action
Main objective

a. Divorce action with a request for precautionary measures. The main objective is to ensure the protection of the couple's assets.
b. Divorce action with a request for precautionary measures. The main objective is to ensure the protection of the plaintiff's assets.
c. Separation action with a request for precautionary measures. The main objective is to ensure the protection of the couple's assets.
d. Separation action with a request for precautionary measures. The main objective is to ensure the protection of the plaintiff's assets.

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3 pág.

Prática Simulada Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A ação legal proposta no texto é uma ação de divórcio com pedido de medidas cautelares. O principal objetivo é garantir a proteção dos bens do casal. A alternativa correta é a letra "a".


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