
How is the romero infusion prepared? 150 ml of hot water and a teaspoon of dried romero are needed. The water should be boiled and the romero shou...

How is the romero infusion prepared?

150 ml of hot water and a teaspoon of dried romero are needed.
The water should be boiled and the romero should be added for two to three minutes.
After boiling, the infusion should be strained and served.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) I and II are correct.
e) I, II, and III are correct.

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Farmacologia I Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del EcuadorPontificia Universidad Catolica Del Ecuador


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A infusão de romero é preparada da seguinte maneira: I. Adicione uma colher de chá de romero seco em 150 ml de água quente. II. Ferva a água com o romero por dois a três minutos. III. Coe a infusão e sirva. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra E) I, II e III estão corretas.



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