
What were the three main movements of national liberation in Angola during the colonial period and what were their ideological orientations? The t...

What were the three main movements of national liberation in Angola during the colonial period and what were their ideological orientations?

The three main movements of national liberation in Angola during the colonial period were the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).
The FNLA was officially founded in 1954 and was led by Holden Roberto. It was supported by the United States and Zaire and had capitalism as its ideology.
The MPLA was officially founded on December 10, 1956, and was led by Agostinho Neto. It was rooted in communism and Marxism-Leninism and had the support of the Soviet Union.
The UNITA was founded and led by Jonas Malheiro Savimbi and had the ideology of capitalism. It had strong support from the Republic of South Africa.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Conselho de Segurança da ONU e a Paz em Angola
132 pág.

Economia Brasileira Contemporânea I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Esta pergunta já foi respondida. Os três principais movimentos de libertação nacional em Angola durante o período colonial foram o Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola (FNLA), o Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) e a União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA). A FNLA tinha o capitalismo como ideologia, o MPLA era enraizado no comunismo e no marxismo-leninismo e tinha o apoio da União Soviética, enquanto a UNITA tinha a ideologia do capitalismo e tinha forte apoio da República da África do Sul.


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