
Identify the characteristic that is often used without a precise meaning. Centralization of state and state resources. Attempt to democratize dec...

Identify the characteristic that is often used without a precise meaning.

Centralization of state and state resources.
Attempt to democratize decisions.
Annual value per student in basic education.
Financial cost per student-quality.
The average value defined by the calculation in the FUNDEF legislation (cost per student) applies to all states. Those who do not have resources to meet this value:
Made concessions to private schools.
Invested less with authorization from SEED.
Acquired debts to reach the value.
Received complementation from the Union.
To discuss education financing, it is necessary to understand the educational model used by Brazil, which is a mixed model with three branches: public, private, and concessions. Which of these branches has the most complex financing structure?
Private education.
Specific concessions.
Public education.
The Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and Valorization of Education Professionals (FUNDEB), created through Constitutional Amendment No. 53 and regulated by Law No. 11,494, in June 2007, maintained a structure similar to its predecessor, but with a very important change. Identify this change.
Did not receive complementation from the Union, all resources had to come from the states.
It had no relation to state funds, resources were transferred directly.
It did not include municipal schools, focusing only on high school and technical education.
Focused on all basic education and not just elementary education.

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The characteristic that is often used without a precise meaning is "Financial cost per student-quality".


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