
How did board games become popular in families during the industrial revolution? Board games became popular in families during the industrial revo...

How did board games become popular in families during the industrial revolution?

Board games became popular in families during the industrial revolution because they were a source of entertainment, education, and family bonding.
As families grew economically, they began to seek activities that would help their children develop skills and knowledge while also providing entertainment.
Board games were seen as a way to educate and stimulate players' reasoning abilities, and they were adapted from books, movies, and old games or developed based on games produced for television.

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História da Arte I Universidade Anhembi MorumbiUniversidade Anhembi Morumbi


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During the industrial revolution, board games became popular in families for several reasons. Firstly, as families experienced economic growth, they had more leisure time and disposable income to invest in recreational activities. Board games provided a source of entertainment that could be enjoyed by the whole family. Additionally, board games were seen as a way to educate and stimulate players' cognitive abilities. They were often designed to teach important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic planning. Many board games were adapted from books, movies, and older games, or developed based on games produced for television, making them familiar and appealing to a wide audience. Furthermore, board games offered an opportunity for family bonding. Playing together encouraged social interaction, communication, and cooperation among family members. It provided a shared experience that brought families closer together and created lasting memories. Overall, the popularity of board games during the industrial revolution can be attributed to their ability to provide entertainment, education, and family bonding all in one activity.


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