
Analyze the following statements regarding the Brazilian legal process of third-party intervention: assistance, joinder of parties, opposition, and...

Analyze the following statements regarding the Brazilian legal process of third-party intervention: assistance, joinder of parties, opposition, and border strip.
I. The article by Egon Bockmann Moreira and Marcella Pereira Ferraro discusses the participation of third parties in the legal process, from simple assistance to collective action.
II. The article by Fernando da Fonseca Gajardoni and Luiz Manoel Gomes Junior discusses collective actions and third-party intervention.
III. The article by Humberto Theodoro Júnior discusses the false ideological and third-party intervention in a declaratory action.
IV. The article by Marina França Santos discusses the possibility of negotiated third-party intervention in the new Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure.
V. The article by Sergio Ricardo de Arruda Fernandes discusses the generalities of third-party intervention and assistance.

a) I, II, and IV are correct.
b) II, III, and V are correct.
c) I, III, and V are correct.
d) All statements are correct.


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A alternativa correta é a letra C) I, III e V estão corretas.


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