
Identify the following statement that is NOT related to the Enem essay writing tips presented in the text: a) The Enem essay is primarily a readi...

Identify the following statement that is NOT related to the Enem essay writing tips presented in the text:

a) The Enem essay is primarily a reading test.
b) It is important to read the essay topic carefully and apply some reading techniques to better understand it.
c) The essay should be written in standard Portuguese.
d) The essay should address the topic and its specific aspects, avoiding getting carried away by the subject.
e) The essay should be written in a narrative style, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

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Alternativa "e) The essay should be written in a narrative style, with a clear beginning, middle, and end." não está relacionada às dicas de escrita de redação do Enem apresentadas no texto. As outras alternativas estão relacionadas às dicas de escrita de redação do Enem apresentadas no texto.


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