
Identify the product family and the process to be mapped. Clearly identify which product family is really important to map. Remember that it is ess...

Identify the product family and the process to be mapped. Clearly identify which product family is really important to map. Remember that it is essential to focus efforts on more critical areas first.
Draw the current process. Gather managers and frontline employees to draw the process. It is very important to involve everyone. Identify the steps involved, starting and ending points of the process, supplier information, external customers, times involved, etc. Identify the steps that consume a larger share of the organization's resources or that add more value or profit. The same should be done for steps that do not add value. It is important to emphasize that this phase is based on portraying the current state of the process and not the idealized process.
Evaluate the current value flow. In this evaluation, some basic questions should be answered. They are:
• Does this stage of the process add value to the customer?
• What waste is being generated?
• How much and what resources are being used?
• What is the waiting time between manufacturing processes?
• How can I eliminate or reduce bottlenecks within the process?
• How can we implement changes?
Create the future state of the value flow map. Now that there is a better understanding of the current state, we are ready to design how we would like the process to be. Normally, the goal is to make the product flow better by reducing the amount of inventory or waiting between steps. This phase is where you should imagine and strive to create the image of what the ideal value flow of work would be. Again, the participation of the entire team is fundamental.
Create the action plan. Now that everyone knows how the processes are working today and how they would like them to be in the future, it's time to format an action plan. There is a wide variety of models available for this. Kaizen, A3 Thinking, 5Ws, DMAIC tools can be used... Anyway, the goal in this phase is to make the team understand exactly what important actions are and when they should happen so that there is a transition from the current state to the desired state.

a) O mapeamento do fluxo de valor é um processo que deve ser realizado apenas pelos gestores da empresa.
b) A fase de avaliação do fluxo de valor atual tem como objetivo responder perguntas básicas sobre o processo, como quais desperdícios estão sendo gerados e quanto e quais recursos estão sendo utilizados.
c) A fase de criação do estado futuro do mapa do fluxo de valor tem como objetivo retratar o atual momento do processo e não o processo idealizado.
d) A participação de toda a equipe é fundamental em todas as fases do mapeamento do fluxo de valor.
e) O objetivo da fase de criação do plano de ação é fazer com que a equipe entenda exatamente quais as ações importantes e o momento em que elas devem acontecer para que haja uma transição do estado atual para o estado desejado.
Apenas a afirmativa b está correta.
As afirmativas b, c e d estão corretas.
As afirmativas a, b e e estão corretas.
As afirmativas c, d e e estão corretas.

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Engenharia de Métodos Universidade Anhembi MorumbiUniversidade Anhembi Morumbi


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A alternativa correta é: As afirmativas b, c e d estão corretas.


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