
When should the cabin filter be changed? The duration of the cabin filter depends on its size and usage conditions. It is recommended to change th...

When should the cabin filter be changed?

The duration of the cabin filter depends on its size and usage conditions.
It is recommended to change the cabin filter every 15000 km or at least once a year.
The cabin filter should be changed when the air flow into the cabin is insufficient.
The cabin filter should be changed when it is difficult to defog the windshield and windows of the vehicle.
The cabin filter should be changed when dust and/or dirt is detected on the dashboard and windshield.
The cabin filter should be changed if a bad odor is perceived in the cabin when the air conditioning or heating is turned on.
The quickest and most reliable way to know if the cabin filter needs to be replaced is to diagnose its condition using the Valeo Airtest Diagnostic, Maintenance and Repair Tool.
Valeo cabin filters include mounting instructions and their location to avoid unnecessary time losses.

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The cabin filter should be changed every 15000 km or at least once a year. However, it is also important to consider the usage conditions and the size of the filter. Additionally, the cabin filter should be changed if the air flow into the cabin is insufficient, if it is difficult to defog the windshield and windows, if dust or dirt is detected on the dashboard and windshield, or if a bad odor is perceived in the cabin when the air conditioning or heating is turned on. To diagnose the condition of the cabin filter, you can use the Valeo Airtest Diagnostic, Maintenance and Repair Tool. Valeo cabin filters come with mounting instructions and their location to make the replacement process easier.


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