
What is the function of the dual infrared sensors installed on the front face of the AZC control unit? I - The dual infrared sensors detect the te...

What is the function of the dual infrared sensors installed on the front face of the AZC control unit?

I - The dual infrared sensors detect the temperature of the air inside the vehicle.
II - The dual infrared sensors detect the temperature of the surface to maintain a comfortable temperature for the passengers.
III - The dual infrared sensors detect the solar temperature to maintain a comfortable temperature for the passengers.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) I and II are correct.
e) II and III are correct.

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A função dos sensores infravermelhos duplos instalados na face frontal da unidade de controle AZC é detectar a temperatura do ar dentro do veículo. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra a) Apenas I está correta.


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