
What are the steps for applying the individual technique of mental maps? a. Define the creative focus and choose a key word or idea; write it in th...

What are the steps for applying the individual technique of mental maps?
a. Define the creative focus and choose a key word or idea; write it in the center of the page in capital letters and establish a series of principles to develop the ideas in an orderly manner; develop the branches in any order, ensuring a constant flow of ideas; and branch out the mental map to the maximum, especially in the aspects that are most interesting for the company.
b. Define the creative focus and choose a key word or idea; write it in the center of the page in capital letters, using different colors or associating the idea with a drawing to make it more visual; establish a series of principles to develop the ideas in an orderly manner; develop the branches in any order, ensuring a constant flow of ideas; and branch out the mental map to the maximum, especially in the aspects that are most interesting for the company.
c. Define the creative focus and choose a key word or idea; write it in the center of the page in capital letters, using different colors or associating the idea with a drawing to make it more visual; establish a series of principles to develop the ideas in an orderly manner; develop the branches in any order, ensuring a constant flow of ideas; and branch out the mental map to the maximum, especially in the aspects that are most interesting for the individual.
d. Define the creative focus and choose a key word or idea; write it in the center of the page in capital letters, using different colors or associating the idea with a drawing to make it more visual; establish a series of principles to develop the ideas in an orderly manner; develop the branches in any order, ensuring a constant flow of ideas; and branch out the mental map to the maximum, especially in the aspects that are most interesting for the group.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Emprendimiento e innovación test 1 guia completa
75 pág.


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A resposta correta é a alternativa C: - Definir o foco criativo e escolher uma palavra-chave ou ideia; - Escrever a palavra-chave no centro da página em letras maiúsculas, usando cores diferentes ou associando-a a um desenho para torná-la mais visual; - Estabelecer uma série de princípios para desenvolver as ideias de maneira ordenada; - Desenvolver os ramos em qualquer ordem, garantindo um fluxo constante de ideias; - Expandir o mapa mental ao máximo, especialmente nos aspectos mais interessantes para o indivíduo.



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