
The figure above states that the project requires an investment of $48,812,925 but subtracting what the current partners have invested, the final i...

The figure above states that the project requires an investment of $48,812,925 but subtracting what the current partners have invested, the final investment to start the project is $29,427,092, of which 48% will be allocated as working capital mainly to cover operating expenses during the first 6 months. Based on the information provided, what is the correct statement?

The project requires an investment of $29,427,092.
48% of the investment will be allocated as working capital.
The working capital will cover operating expenses during the first 6 months.
a) Only statement I is correct.
b) Statements I and II are correct.
c) Statements II and III are correct.
d) All statements are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Proyecto de fortalecimiento empresarial para una empresa de confe
115 pág.

Administração Universidad De CartagenaUniversidad De Cartagena


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A alternativa correta é a letra "c) Statements II and III are correct." Explicação: - A afirmação I está incorreta, pois o valor total do investimento necessário é de $48,812,925, e não $29,427,092. - A afirmação II está correta, pois 48% do investimento total será alocado como capital de giro. - A afirmação III está correta, pois o capital de giro será utilizado para cobrir as despesas operacionais durante os primeiros 6 meses.


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