
What is the recommended way to add flames to a car's bodywork? The recommended way to add flames to a car's bodywork is by using an airbrush. It i...

What is the recommended way to add flames to a car's bodywork?

The recommended way to add flames to a car's bodywork is by using an airbrush.
It is recommended to practice a couple of times on a surface that is not the final one.
First, plan your design and then outline it with blue vinyl tape or the one you choose.
Cut the excess tape where you will paint and mask the car or object that you will not paint.
Apply the color of your choice, focusing on the edges.
After it dries, trace your design over the edge of the first tape you used to outline the drawing with a 30mm tape approximately or the size you can get.
The most important and difficult part is to go over the entire design once again with a 60mm tape approximately, sealing the edges of the tapes, as gaps form where they join, which can ruin the work.
Proceed with the colors and effects of your design until it is ready.
The best part is removing the tape and checking the work.

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The recommended way to add flames to a car's bodywork is by using an airbrush. It is recommended to practice a couple of times on a surface that is not the final one. First, plan your design and then outline it with blue vinyl tape or the one you choose. Cut the excess tape where you will paint and mask the car or object that you will not paint. Apply the color of your choice, focusing on the edges. After it dries, trace your design over the edge of the first tape you used to outline the drawing with a 30mm tape approximately or the size you can get. The most important and difficult part is to go over the entire design once again with a 60mm tape approximately, sealing the edges of the tapes, as gaps form where they join, which can ruin the work. Proceed with the colors and effects of your design until it is ready. The best part is removing the tape and checking the work.


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