
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be in order to better understand the text. Use full forms. Rosa Souza is _____ from Brazil,...

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be in order to better understand the text. Use full forms. Rosa Souza is _____ from Brazil, but she is _____ in the United States. Chicago is _____ a city in Illinois. Souza is _____ Rosa's last name and her middle name is _____ Guimarães. She is _____ in the US to study English. It is _____ not a difficult language, it is _____ an easy language. Her classmates are _____ very friendly and dedicated people. Mr. Smith is _____ responsible for the college. Ms. Taylor and Mr. Smith are _____ members of the staff. They are _____ nice people. The classes in the United States are _____ interesting. It is _____ a very good experience to study English in the United States.

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297 2 23 Teste seus conhecimentos_ rosa in the USA_ Revisão da tentativa
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Ciências Econômicas Faculdade das AméricasFaculdade das Américas


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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be in order to better understand the text. Use full forms. Rosa Souza is **from** Brazil, but she is **in** the United States. Chicago is **also** a city in Illinois. Souza is **both** Rosa's last name and her middle name is **Maria** Guimarães. She is **in** the US to study English. It is **definitely** not a difficult language, it is **actually** an easy language. Her classmates are **all** very friendly and dedicated people. Mr. Smith is **solely** responsible for the college. Ms. Taylor and Mr. Smith are **both** members of the staff. They are **both** nice people. The classes in the United States are **extremely** interesting. It is **definitely** a very good experience to study English in the United States.


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