
Complete the sentences with a, an or the. Geographical culture Brazil is a country in South America. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil and Portugue...

Complete the sentences with a, an or the. Geographical culture Brazil is a country in South America. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil and Portuguese is the Brazilian language. The president of Brazil is elected by popular vote. The language and nationality in England is English. London is a capital in Europe, but it is the capital of England. English is the language in The United States too, but in Canada it is a language, because Canadians also speak French. Chicago is a city in Illinois, but the capital of Illinois is Springfield. In chicago there is a very high building, the Sears Tower. Another famous place in Chicago is Lake Michigan, third largest of the five Great Lakes of North America.

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Complete the sentences with a, an or the. Geographical culture Brazil is a country in South America. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil and Portuguese is the Brazilian language. The president of Brazil is elected by popular vote. The language and nationality in England is English. London is a capital in Europe, but it is the capital of England. English is the language in The United States too, but in Canada it is a language, because Canadians also speak French. Chicago is a city in Illinois, but the capital of Illinois is Springfield. In Chicago there is a very high building, the Sears Tower. Another famous place in Chicago is Lake Michigan, the third largest of the five Great Lakes of North America.


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