
Identify the correct answer for question 59: The Laffer curve suggests a. that, as taxation occurs, revenue will always increase b. that the poor...

Identify the correct answer for question 59: The Laffer curve suggests

a. that, as taxation occurs, revenue will always increase
b. that the poor performance of the economy was due to excessive taxation of private agents, consumers and producers
c. that reducing the tax burden would provide stimulus for economic recovery, increasing government revenue
d. that higher incidences produce lower revenues
e. that very low tax rates could be increased to generate higher tax revenues

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Prova A3_1998_poli_adm
15 pág.

Concursos Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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The correct answer for question 59 is: "e. that very low tax rates could be increased to generate higher tax revenues".


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