
According to the text, what are some of the symptoms that may occur during the climacteric period? I- Strong waves of heat (hot flashes), insomnia...

According to the text, what are some of the symptoms that may occur during the climacteric period?

I- Strong waves of heat (hot flashes), insomnia, irritability, stable mood, memory changes, and depression may occur.
II- The complaints may have transient manifestations of menstrual, neurogenic, and psychogenic origin.
III- The complaints may have non-transient manifestations of urogenital, lipid metabolism, and bone metabolism origin.
IV- The climacteric period is a disease that can be avoided with the use of medication.
V- The decrease in estrogen levels during the climacteric period can cause anxiety and mood swings.
a) I, II, and III are correct.
b) I, III, and V are correct.
c) II, III, and V are correct.
d) I, II, III, and V are correct.
e) Only IV is incorrect.

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De acordo com o texto, alguns dos sintomas que podem ocorrer durante o período do climatério são: ondas fortes de calor (fogachos), insônia, irritabilidade, alterações de humor estáveis, alterações de memória e depressão. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra a) I, II e III estão corretas.



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