
Which of the following statements is true? a. The rotation of mobile scaffolds must have locks, thus avoiding accidental displacement, and be sup...

Which of the following statements is true?

a. The rotation of mobile scaffolds must have locks, thus avoiding accidental displacement, and be supported on a surface capable of resisting
b. The supply of potable, filtered, and fresh water for workers is mandatory, at the construction site, at the work fronts, and in the accommodations, through a drinking fountain or other equivalent device, in the proportion of 1 (one) unit for each group of 25 (twenty-five) workers or fraction, and the use of collective cups is prohibited.
c. To perform the activity of applying pesticides, the worker must be provided with specific PPE, as well as for the type of pesticide that he will handle. Examples of PPE for these activities are gloves, face shield, mask, hydro-repellent pants, hood or cap, apron, and boots.
d. The 3R's of sustainability are based on the acts of: REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE.
e. In Port activities, there are PCE and PAM training, which consist of the safety procedures that must be adopted in the event of: fire, explosion, man overboard, among others described in the PCE, as well as the list of companies that will provide assistance to the port in case of a disaster.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

(NOA) Novas Oportunidades de Aprendizagem sst
10 pág.

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The correct statement is: a. The rotation of mobile scaffolds must have locks, thus avoiding accidental displacement, and be supported on a surface capable of resisting.


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