
How can the arpeggiator be used in FL Studio 20? The arpeggiator can be activated in the configuration of the channel when using FL Keys in FL Stu...

How can the arpeggiator be used in FL Studio 20?

The arpeggiator can be activated in the configuration of the channel when using FL Keys in FL Studio 20.
By selecting the Arpeggio direction option, interesting results can be achieved by varying the BPM.
When changing the scale, it is necessary to make the same change to the accompaniment, bass line, arpeggio, pads, etc. to maintain the coherence of the melody.

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O arpegiador é uma ferramenta muito útil para criar sequências de notas em um padrão específico. Para usá-lo no FL Studio 20, siga os seguintes passos: 1. Abra o FL Studio 20 e crie um canal para o instrumento que deseja usar. 2. Selecione o instrumento e abra a janela de configuração do canal. 3. Na janela de configuração, clique na guia "Arpeggiator". 4. Ative o arpegiador clicando no botão "On". 5. Escolha o padrão de arpejo que deseja usar na lista suspensa "Arpeggio Type". 6. Selecione a direção do arpejo na lista suspensa "Arpeggio Direction". 7. Ajuste a velocidade do arpejo na lista suspensa "Arpeggio Speed". 8. Ajuste as notas que deseja usar no arpejo na lista suspensa "Arpeggio Range". 9. Clique em "Aceitar" para aplicar as configurações. Com esses passos, você poderá usar o arpegiador para criar sequências de notas em um padrão específico no FL Studio 20.

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In FL Studio 20, the arpeggiator is a tool that can be used to create rhythmic patterns from a chord or a single note. To use the arpeggiator in FL Studio 20, follow these steps:

  1. Open FL Studio 20 and create a new project or open an existing one.
  2. Add an instance of the FL Keys plugin to a channel in the Channel Rack.
  3. Double-click on the FL Keys channel to open its settings.
  4. In the FL Keys settings window, locate the "Arpeggiator" section.
  5. Enable the arpeggiator by clicking on the "ARP" button.
  6. Choose the desired arpeggio direction from the drop-down menu. Options may include up, down, up-down, random, and more. This determines the order in which the notes of the chord or single note will be played.
  7. Adjust the arpeggiator's speed by changing the BPM (Beats Per Minute). This affects the speed at which the notes are played.
  8. Play the MIDI keyboard or input notes manually in the Piano Roll to trigger the arpeggiator and hear the rhythmic pattern created from the selected arpeggio direction.

Remember that the arpeggiator is a creative tool, and you can experiment with different settings and patterns to achieve interesting musical results. Additionally, when changing the scale, make sure to make corresponding changes to the accompanying elements like bass lines, arpeggios, pads, etc., to maintain melodic coherence in your composition.


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