
What were the actions taken by President Alfonsín in relation to the military issue? a) Promulgated the Law of National Pacification and approved...

What were the actions taken by President Alfonsín in relation to the military issue?

a) Promulgated the Law of National Pacification and approved the Law of Amnesty.
b) Sent a project to Congress to repeal the Amnesty Law and ordered the prosecution of military leaders.
c) Created the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons and approved the Law of National Pacification.
d) Rejected the project to repeal the Amnesty Law and ordered the prosecution of guerrilla leaders.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

La primavera democrática
3 pág.

História Biológicas / SaúdeBiológicas / Saúde


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A resposta correta é a alternativa b) Sent a project to Congress to repeal the Amnesty Law and ordered the prosecution of military leaders. O presidente Alfonsín tomou essa ação para lidar com a questão militar e buscar justiça pelos crimes cometidos durante o período da ditadura militar na Argentina.



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