
Quince Two mathematicians are arguing in a bar. One of them says that people don't know anything about mathematics, while the other maintains that...


Two mathematicians are arguing in a bar. One of them says that people don't know anything about mathematics, while the other maintains that everyone is prepared to solve any problem that comes their way in life. At this point, the one who says they have no idea goes to the bathroom and the other calls a blonde waitress and says:
- Look, can you do me a favor? In a while, I'll ask you a question, and you have to answer 'one-third of x cubed'.
- A cube of what?
- No, 'one-third of x cubed'.
- A cube of cheese?
- No, 'one-third of x cubed', repeat.
- A fabric of x cubes?
- No, no, look, you're saying it wrong, it's 'one-third of x cubed'.
- One-third of x cubed?
- Yes! That's it! Please don't forget it!
At this point, the waitress walks away repeating quietly, 'one-third of x cubed', 'one-third of x cubed'.... the other mathematician returns.
- Look, just so you see, we're going to ask anyone a question, for example, that blonde waitress, and you'll see how she answers.
- Okay. Call her.
- Excuse me! Waitress, please!
- Yes?
- Do you know what the integral of x squared is?
- Ah...! One-third of x cubed...., and as she walks away, she adds, 'plus the constant of integration'.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Chistes matematicos
15 pág.

Matemática Financeira Universidad Central Del EcuadorUniversidad Central Del Ecuador


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Haha, essa é uma piada matemática engraçada! A resposta correta para a pergunta "Do you know what the integral of x squared is?" é "One-third of x cubed, plus the constant of integration". A resposta da garçonete mostra que ela entende um pouco de matemática e sabe que a integral de x ao quadrado é igual a um terço de x ao cubo, mais a constante de integração.


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