
Analysing literature, we identify that the term 'per cent' means 'in a hundred'. In mathematics, percentages are used as fractions, decimals, and a...

Analysing literature, we identify that the term 'per cent' means 'in a hundred'. In mathematics, percentages are used as fractions, decimals, and as a way to describe parts of a whole. When using percentages, it is considered that the whole is composed of one hundred. The symbol % is used to show that a number is a percentage. Calculate the value that corresponds to 40% of the value R$ 1,500.00 and choose the CORRECT alternative:

A) R$ 600.00.
B) R$ 60.00.
D) R$ 666.00.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

1 pág.

Matemática Financeira


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Para calcular o valor que corresponde a 40% de R$ 1.500,00, basta multiplicar 1.500,00 por 40% ou 0,4. 1.500,00 x 0,4 = 600,00 Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A) R$ 600,00.



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