
Match the sentences (1–6) with the sentences (a–g). Then rewrite them with a relative clause. a We spent a week there last summer. b He has won a l...

Match the sentences (1–6) with the sentences (a–g). Then rewrite them with a relative clause.
a We spent a week there last summer.
b He has won a lot of tennis tournaments.
c The Olympic Games will take place there.
d A soccer star signed it.
e He trained me to win.
f She is on the front cover of my magazine.
g Jazz musicians play it.

1 Rafael Nadal is a famous tennis player. ( B )
Rafael Nadal is a famous tennis player who has won a lot of tennis tournaments.
2 A saxophone is a musical instrument.
3 Isabeli Fontana is the model.
4 They’ve built a new st

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Inglês Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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1 Rafael Nadal is a famous tennis player. (B) Rafael Nadal is a famous tennis player who has won a lot of tennis tournaments. 2 A saxophone is a musical instrument. (G) A saxophone is a musical instrument that jazz musicians play. 3 Isabeli Fontana is the model. (F) Isabeli Fontana is the model who is on the front cover of my magazine. 4 They’ve built a new stadium. (C) They’ve built a new stadium where the Olympic Games will take place. 5 I bought a book. (D) I bought a book that a soccer star signed. 6 He taught me how to win. (E) He taught me how to win by training me.


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