
Lee la siguiente oracion que se encuentra en tiempo presente simple en forma afirmativa convertirla a las formas (I) (IPI) (NC) (IN) (INPI), despue...

Lee la siguiente oracion que se encuentra en tiempo presente simple en forma afirmativa convertirla a las formas (I) (IPI) (NC) (IN) (INPI), despues convertir la misma oracion a los tiempos presente progresivo – pasado simple – pasado progresivo – futuro simple – futuro progresivo – condicional simple y pasado perfecto (presente compuesto – ante presente)

Presente simple
1. (A) she explain the lesson everyday
2. (I) does she explain the lesson everyday?
3. (IPI) why does she explain the lesson everyday?
4. ((NC) she doesn’t explain the lesson everyday
5. (IN) doesn’t she explain the lesson everyday?
6. (INPI) why doesn’t she explain the lesson everyday?
Presente progresivo
7. (A) she is explaining the lesson everyday
8. (AC) she’s explaining the lesson everyday
9. (I) is she explaining the lesson everyday?
10. (IPI) why she is explaining the lesson everyday?
11. (NC) She isn’t explaining the lesson everyday
12. (IN) isn’t she explaining the lesson everyday?

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Inglês Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

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Aqui estão as respostas para as formas solicitadas: (I) She explains the lesson everyday. (IPI) Why does she explain the lesson everyday? (NC) She doesn't explain the lesson everyday. (IN) Doesn't she explain the lesson everyday? (INPI) Why doesn't she explain the lesson everyday? Presente progressivo: (A) She is explaining the lesson everyday. (AC) She's explaining the lesson everyday. (I) Is she explaining the lesson everyday? (IPI) Why is she explaining the lesson everyday? (NC) She isn't explaining the lesson everyday. (IN) Isn't she explaining the lesson everyday? Espero que isso ajude! Se você tiver mais perguntas, é só me avisar.


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