
Go back to Text 3 and focus on the context in which the words “beautiful” and “wonderful” are used. They are both formed with the suffix -ful. What...

Go back to Text 3 and focus on the context in which the words “beautiful” and “wonderful” are used. They are both formed with the suffix -ful. What can we infer about it?

a) It forms adjectives.
b) It indicates manner.
c) It means “without”, “lacking”.

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Inglês Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Com base no contexto em que as palavras "beautiful" e "wonderful" são usadas, podemos inferir que o sufixo -ful forma adjetivos. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra a) "Ele forma adjetivos".


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