
Identify below, through the letters corresponding to the CORRECT answers, those that refer to the accepted form of presenting the Bibliographic Ref...

Identify below, through the letters corresponding to the CORRECT answers, those that refer to the accepted form of presenting the Bibliographic References in a research work:

A. In the Bibliographic References, authors and their works that served as supporting reading for the research may be included, even if not cited in the work.
B. The Bibliographic References should be presented in a way that allows the reader to follow the citations in the order of the beginning/end of the work.
C. In the section regarding the Bibliographic References, only the list of works actually cited in the body of the work should be included.
D. References to the same author and their differentiated works may be included repeatedly, in order of publication dates.

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2019 - 1sem - Prática e Pesquisa em Geografia ap2
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A resposta correta é: B. As Referências Bibliográficas devem ser apresentadas de forma que permita ao leitor seguir as citações na ordem de início/fim do trabalho. C. Na seção referente às Referências Bibliográficas, deve-se incluir apenas a lista de obras efetivamente citadas no corpo do trabalho. D. Referências ao mesmo autor e suas obras diferenciadas podem ser incluídas repetidamente, em ordem de datas de publicação.


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