
What were the main topics of Freud's studies during his time in Paris? a) Anatomy and organic diseases of the nervous system. b) Neuroses, partic...

What were the main topics of Freud's studies during his time in Paris?

a) Anatomy and organic diseases of the nervous system.
b) Neuroses, particularly hysteria.
c) Hypnosis and joint diseases.
d) Epilepsy and tic disorders.
e) All of the above.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

A Clinica em Freud 1 a 6
89 pág.

Psicanálise Centro Universitário Anhanguera de São PauloCentro Universitário Anhanguera de São Paulo


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Durante seu tempo em Paris, os principais temas de estudo de Freud foram: b) Neuroses, especialmente histeria. Espero ter ajudado! Se tiver mais alguma pergunta, é só me dizer.



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