
Comenius wrote, among his works, the Didactica Magna. This document determines various aspects related to the work of the teacher, the student, and...

Comenius wrote, among his works, the Didactica Magna. This document determines various aspects related to the work of the teacher, the student, and the pedagogy used in this teaching and learning process. Thus, the aims of education and life, for Comenius, are presented in three points. About these three points, classify V for true sentences and F for false ones:
( ) Introspection, maintaining doubts and performing activities without questioning.
( ) Knowledge, which includes all knowledge, such as languages and art.
( ) Good manners, which include good manners and mastery of passions.
( ) Religion, in which man (his soul) integrates with the Supreme Being. Choose the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:

a) F-V-V-V
b) V-F-F-V
c) V-V-F-F

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A alternativa correta é a letra c) V-V-F-F. A Didactica Magna de Comenius apresenta os seguintes pontos sobre os objetivos da educação e da vida: conhecimento, boas maneiras, e religião. Portanto, a primeira afirmação é verdadeira (V), enquanto as duas últimas são falsas (F).



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