
PMBOK defines four processes when it comes to cost management. Evaluate the assertions below and the relationship between them. 1. The cost estimat...

PMBOK defines four processes when it comes to cost management. Evaluate the assertions below and the relationship between them. 1. The cost estimation of a project is performed based on the information known at that moment. BECAUSE Once the estimations are done, no validations and refinements are necessary. Choose the correct alternative:

1. The cost estimation of a project is performed based on the information known at that moment.
BECAUSE Once the estimations are done, no validations and refinements are necessary.
A. The assertion is true and the reason is false.
B. Both assertions are false.
C. Both assertions are true, and the reason is a justification of the first assertion.
D. Both assertions are true, but the reason is not a justification of the first assertion.

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Gerenciamento de Projetos Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A resposta correta é a alternativa D. Ambas as afirmações são verdadeiras, mas a razão não é uma justificativa para a primeira afirmação. A estimativa de custo de um projeto é feita com base nas informações conhecidas naquele momento, e após as estimativas, é necessário realizar validações e refinamentos para garantir a precisão dos custos estimados.



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