
According to the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (Federal Law 9.394/1996), educational institutions, respecting the common norms ...

According to the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (Federal Law 9.394/1996), educational institutions, respecting the common norms and those of their education system, have the responsibility to:

a. Assume the transportation of students.
b. Ensure the learning of students.
c. Conduct the established school days and class hours, as well as fully participate in the periods dedicated to planning, evaluation, and professional development.
d. Notify the Municipal Guardianship Council of the relationship of students who have more than 25% (twenty-five percent) of the allowed percentage of absences by law.
e. Promote awareness, prevention, and combat measures for all types of


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De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (Lei Federal 9.394/1996), as instituições educacionais, respeitando as normas comuns e as do seu sistema de ensino, têm a responsabilidade de: a. Assumir o transporte dos estudantes. b. Garantir a aprendizagem dos estudantes. c. Cumprir os dias letivos e horas-aula estabelecidos, bem como participar integralmente dos períodos dedicados ao planejamento, avaliação e desenvolvimento profissional. d. Notificar o Conselho Tutelar Municipal da relação de estudantes que possuem mais de 25% (vinte e cinco por cento) do percentual permitido de faltas por lei. e. Promover medidas de conscientização, prevenção e combate a todos os tipos de... (a descrição da alternativa está incompleta).



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