
Interculturality has been indicated to be included in the curriculum of both schools and universities, as it presents a more balanced view of the h...

Interculturality has been indicated to be included in the curriculum of both schools and universities, as it presents a more balanced view of the history, culture, and society of different countries and cultures. Regarding the possibilities of multiculturalism, analyze the following sentences:
I- Recognizes the differences that exist between individuals and social groups.
II- Ensures the recognition and representation of minority cultural forms.
III- Identifies that the individual is conditioned and restricted to their own cultural background.
IV- Interprets through diverse and other cultural trends.
Choose the CORRECT alternative:

A Only sentence III is correct.
B Sentences II and III are correct.
C Sentences I and III are correct.
D Sentences I, II, and IV are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação Final (Objetiva) - Individual
8 pág.

Pedagogia Centro Universitário Leonardo da VinciCentro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci

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