
According to Law No. 4,320/1964, Complementary Law No. 101/2000, and the Brazilian Accounting Standards Applied to the Public Sector, associate the...

According to Law No. 4,320/1964, Complementary Law No. 101/2000, and the Brazilian Accounting Standards Applied to the Public Sector, associate the items using the code below regarding the financial statement applied to the public sector with the presented concept:
I- Budgetary Balance.
II- Financial Balance.
III- Patrimonial Balance.
( ) Demonstrates the budgetary revenue and expenditure as well as the receipts and payments of an extra-budgetary nature, combined with the cash balances from the previous year and those transferred to the following year.
( ) Demonstrates the budgeted revenues and expenses in comparison with the actual ones.
( ) Qualitatively and quantitatively evidences the patrimonial situation of the public entity, through accounts representing the public assets, in addition to the offset accounts.
Choose the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:

A II - I - III.
B III - II - II.
C I - II - III.
D II - III - I.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação II contabilidade publica
3 pág.

Contabilidade Pública UniasselviUniasselvi


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A sequência correta é a alternativa C) I - II - III: I - Demonstrates the budgetary revenue and expenditure as well as the receipts and payments of an extra-budgetary nature, combined with the cash balances from the previous year and those transferred to the following year. (Demonstra a receita e a despesa orçamentária, bem como os recebimentos e pagamentos de natureza extraorçamentária, combinados com os saldos de caixa do ano anterior e os transferidos para o ano seguinte.) II - Demonstrates the budgeted revenues and expenses in comparison with the actual ones. (Demonstra as receitas e despesas orçamentárias em comparação com as efetivas.) III - Qualitatively and quantitatively evidences the patrimonial situation of the public entity, through accounts representing the public assets, in addition to the offset accounts. (Evidencia qualitativa e quantitativamente a situação patrimonial da entidade pública, por meio de contas que representam os ativos públicos, além das contas de compensação.)



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