
Sentences can be organized according to their discursive and semantic function. Based on this assumption, read and assess the statements below: I ...

Sentences can be organized according to their discursive and semantic function. Based on this assumption, read and assess the statements below:

I - Declarative sentences are the type of sentences whose discursive role is to convey statements.

 II - There are some specific kinds of sentence whose structure and modes of variation make it too odd to be classified in one particular typology, therefore, being called irregular sentences.

III - Although their name may suggest it, directive sentences do not convey the notion of imperative.:

I - false; II - false; III - true.

I - true; II - true; III - true.

I - false; II - true; III - true.

I - true; II - true; III - false.

I - true; II - false; III - true.

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