
Semantic field of a set of words or expressions can be considered a bond of meanings related to each other. Regarding the notion of semantic field,...

Semantic field of a set of words or expressions can be considered a bond of meanings related to each other. Regarding the notion of semantic field, read the statements below and then choose the correct option.

I. In Saussure's terminology, the semantic field is formed by the Signifier's side of the linguistic sign while the lexical field is formed by the Signified's side. 

II. Although they may be confused, lexical field and semantic fields are both completely different concepts, operating with distinct objects.

III. Semantic and lexical fields can be seen as interchangeable notions in some situations due to the fact that they verse about the same phenomenon through different perspectives.

I - true, II - false, III - true.

I - false, II - true, III - true.

I - true, II - true, III - true.

I - false, II - false, III - false.

I - false, II - false, III - true.


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I - false, II - false, III - true.


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