
How is the value of δl estimated? a) As 60% of the value of the tube radius b) As 40% of the value of the tube radius c) As 80% of the value of the...

How is the value of δl estimated?
a) As 60% of the value of the tube radius
b) As 40% of the value of the tube radius
c) As 80% of the value of the tube radius
O valor da correção terminal é estimada como 60% do valor do raio do tubo
a) As 60% of the value of the tube radius
b) As 40% of the value of the tube radius
c) As 80% of the value of the tube radius

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Exerício de Física Básica II - Moysés - 98
1 pág.

Física II Universidade Nove de JulhoUniversidade Nove de Julho

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