
Skinner and Professor Fred Keller (1899-1996) developed personalized teaching in the 1970s and expanded globally. This teaching method respects the...

Skinner and Professor Fred Keller (1899-1996) developed personalized teaching in the 1970s and expanded globally. This teaching method respects the student's pace and allows the teacher to accompany and help the student with their difficulties. ( ) Only a means of verifying whether what was taught by the teacher was really learned.

The personalized teaching method developed by Skinner and Professor Fred Keller respects the student's pace and allows the teacher to accompany and help the student with their difficulties.
The personalized teaching method developed by Skinner and Professor Fred Keller is only a means of verifying whether what was taught by the teacher was really learned.
1 - The first statement is true, and the second is false.
2 - The first statement is false, and the second is true.
3 - Both statements are true.
4 - Both statements are false.

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Psicologia da Educação I Centro Universitário UNIFAVENICentro Universitário UNIFAVENI

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A alternativa correta é a número 1 - A primeira afirmação é verdadeira, e a segunda é falsa. O método de ensino personalizado desenvolvido por Skinner e Professor Fred Keller respeita o ritmo do aluno e permite que o professor acompanhe e ajude o aluno com suas dificuldades. No entanto, não é apenas um meio de verificar se o que foi ensinado pelo professor foi realmente aprendido.


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