
Lev S. Vygotsky was an important thinker, having been one of the first to develop the notion that children's intellectual development occurs as a r...

Lev S. Vygotsky was an important thinker, having been one of the first to develop the notion that children's intellectual development occurs as a result of social interactions and living conditions. Regarding the work and thought of this author, choose the correct alternative.

a. According to Vygotsky's thinking, learning the ideas and concepts of the real world is equivalent to the school form, so that school adequately demonstrates the social and economic inequalities in society.
b. The biological basis, although unimportant, is the backdrop against which social interactions occur, so that the subject's intellectual development depends on adequate biological conditions.
c. Socioconstructivism (or socio-interactionism) is the pedagogical current that originated from Vygotsky's thinking and points to the idea that children are influenced by interactions with the world, especially with nature, and is therefore considered an ecological-based theory.
d. Mediation is a determining category in Vygotsky's thinking, as it emphasizes that knowledge derives from the subject's action on reality. As a result, whenever the subject acts, he interacts with social relations and with the other.
e. Access to culture (and consequently to education) only occurs through mediation processes, which are constituted by symbolic systems constructed in social relations between the individual and the group(s) in which he is inserted.

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A alternativa correta é a letra d. A mediação é uma categoria determinante no pensamento de Vygotsky, pois enfatiza que o conhecimento deriva da ação do sujeito sobre a realidade. Dessa forma, sempre que o sujeito age, ele interage com as relações sociais e com o outro.


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