
What is the Reform of the Judiciary (EC n.º 45)? The EC 45 introduced the National Council of Justice, and the article 92 of the Brazilian Consti...

What is the Reform of the Judiciary (EC n.º 45)?

The EC 45 introduced the National Council of Justice, and the article 92 of the Brazilian Constitution now expresses the following structure: I - Supreme Federal Court; I-A - National Council of Justice; III - Superior Court of Justice; IV - Federal Regional Courts and Federal Judges; V - Labor Courts and Judges; VI - Electoral Courts and Judges; VII - Military Courts and Judges; VIII - State and Federal District Courts and Judges.
The EC 45 introduced the National Council of Justice, and the article 92 of the Brazilian Constitution now expresses the following structure: I - Supreme Federal Court; II - National Council of Justice; III - Superior Court of Justice; IV - Federal Regional Courts and Federal Judges; V - Labor Courts and Judges; VI - Electoral Courts and Judges; VII - Military Courts and Judges.
The EC 45 introduced the National Council of Justice, and the article 92 of the Brazilian Constitution now expresses the following structure: I - Supreme Federal Court; II - National Council of Justice; III - Superior Court of Justice; IV - Federal Regional Courts and Federal Judges; V - Labor Courts and Judges; VI - Electoral Courts and Judges.

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Direito Constitucional I Universidade Salgado de OliveiraUniversidade Salgado de Oliveira

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A Emenda Constitucional nº 45, também conhecida como Reforma do Judiciário, foi promulgada em 2004 e trouxe diversas mudanças para o sistema judiciário brasileiro. Uma das principais alterações foi a criação do Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), órgão responsável por fiscalizar e controlar a atuação administrativa e financeira do Poder Judiciário. Além disso, a EC 45 também reorganizou a estrutura do Judiciário, estabelecendo a seguinte ordem: I - Supremo Tribunal Federal; II - Conselho Nacional de Justiça; III - Superior Tribunal de Justiça; IV - Tribunais Regionais Federais e Juízes Federais; V - Tribunais e Juízes do Trabalho; VI - Tribunais e Juízes Eleitorais; VII - Tribunais e Juízes Militares; VIII - Tribunais e Juízes dos Estados e do Distrito Federal.


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