
What is the name of the company and the date of the initial balances in the accounting statement below? Company name: Platina Instrumentos de Med...

What is the name of the company and the date of the initial balances in the accounting statement below?

Company name: Platina Instrumentos de Medição S.A. Date of initial balances: 01/01/2022
Company name: Unip. Date of initial balances: 28/05/2023
Company name: Platina Instrumentos de Medição S.A. Date of initial balances: 28/05/2023

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Contabilidade / Ciências Contábeis Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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O nome da empresa é Platina Instrumentos de Medição S.A. e a data dos saldos iniciais é 01/01/2022.


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