
What did Lavoisier state in his 'Elementary Treatise of Chemistry' in 1789? I. Every experiment in chemistry is based on the principle enunciated b...

What did Lavoisier state in his 'Elementary Treatise of Chemistry' in 1789? I. Every experiment in chemistry is based on the principle enunciated by him. II. The principle enunciated by him applies to all operations, both artistic and natural. III. The masses of matter before and after the experiment do not change or transform. IV. The quantities of matter before and after the experiment are the same. Therefore, we can affirm that:

I. Every experiment in chemistry is based on the principle enunciated by him.
II. The principle enunciated by him applies to all operations, both artistic and natural.
III. The masses of matter before and after the experiment do not change or transform.
IV. The quantities of matter before and after the experiment are the same.
A Only the first and fourth statements are true;
B Only the second and third statements are true;
C Only the second statement is false;
D Only the third statement is false.

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Lavoisier afirmou em seu "Tratado Elementar de Química" em 1789 que as massas de matéria antes e depois do experimento não mudam ou se transformam e que as quantidades de matéria antes e depois do experimento são as mesmas. Portanto, podemos afirmar que as opções corretas são A) Apenas a primeira e a quarta afirmações são verdadeiras.


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