
What is the date, time, and location of the 1st announcement of a temporary hiring/summons vacancy for a history teacher at EE Carmo Giffoni in Bel...

What is the date, time, and location of the 1st announcement of a temporary hiring/summons vacancy for a history teacher at EE Carmo Giffoni in Belo Horizonte, according to the provided document?

a) Date: 02/02/2023; Time: 11:00 AM; Location: Rua Colar, 85 - Jatobá
b) Date: 01/02/2023; Time: 11:00 AM; Location: Rua Colar, 85 - Jatobá
c) Date: 02/02/2023; Time: 10:00 AM; Location: Rua Colar, 85 - Jatobá

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Desculpe, mas não tenho acesso a documentos específicos de escolas ou instituições. Sugiro que você entre em contato diretamente com a EE Carmo Giffoni para obter informações precisas sobre a vaga de professor temporário de história.


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